Cut Flowers Image

Cut Flowers

By on Sep 06, 2007

by Veronica Sliva

March can be one of the dreariest months of the

year, and there's nothing better than freshly cut

flowers to brighten up a room or a mood.

When buying cut flowers, consumers typically ask "how long will

they last?" and "how do I take care of them?" Their longevity

depends on what condition they're in at the time of purchase and how well they're looked after. Certain types of cut flowers last

longer than others. Carnations or mums, for example, can last a

couple of weeks or more. Roses have a shorter vase life, but they

remain among the more popular choices. Whatever your

preference, a little TLC goes a long way in keeping your flowers

looking fresh longer. Here are some tips to ensure your cut flowers

stay beautiful as long as possible:

Vase life Take care when you make your initial purchase. Look

for cut flowers with petals that are firm and buds that are beginning

to open. Yellow, spotted, or drooping leaves are signs of age.

Cleanliness Make sure your vase is squeaky clean. Wash the

container in a solution of one part bleach and nine parts water,

and rinse thoroughly before adding your cut flowers.

Removing leaves Remove leaves that sit below the water level,

otherwise they will deteriorate and start to rot. Decaying leaves

encourage bacterial growth that blocks the vascular system and

causes cut flowers to die.

Recutting stems When flowers' stems are cut they're separated

from their root system and thus from their source of moisture

and food. The life span of cut flowers is directly related to their

ability to take up water and compensate for nutrient loss. Air or

bacteria can block the small openings at the cut end, causing cut

flowers to wilt because they can't take up water as quickly as they

use it. Cut the stem end on a slant to create a larger surface area

for it to take up water. A slanted cut also prevents the stem from

resting directly on the bottom of the vase and blocking the water uptake. If possible, hold the stem under warm water as you make

the cut to prevent air from impeding the uptake of water.

Water and preservative Cut flowers take up warm water more

quickly and efficiently than cold water. Once you recut the

stems, immediately place them in a vase of clean, warm (about

110°F or 44°C) water.
Be sure to use a floral preservative to prevent bacterial and

fungal growth and to provide nutrients to feed the flowers. Most

florists include a package of floral preservative with the flowers,

but you can also make solutions yourself. For example: One cap of hydrogen peroxide every time the water

is changed.

  • One part lemon-lime soda to three parts water.
  • Two tablespoons lemon juice, one tablespoon sugar,

    and one-quarter teaspoon bleach in a vase of water.

  • Two tablespoons white vinegar and two tablespoons sugar in a

    vase of water.

  • Use 50 per cent warm water, 50 per cent lemon-lime soda, plus

    1 1/2 teaspoons bleach.

Extending floral life Cut flowers last longer if they are kept in a cool

location away from direct sunlight, excessive heat, or drafts.

Don't put your cut flowers on top of heating or air conditioning

vents, directly under a ceiling fan, or on top of a television. Avoid

leaving your flowers in the car. If you can refrigerate your floral

bouquet when it's not on display, it will last longer.

Do not store cut flowers and fruit together. Fruits, especially

apples, release ethylene gas, which shortens flower life. Remove

any damaged cut flowers or leaves that are dying. These also emit

ethylene gas and should be discarded as soon as you notice them.

Floral arrangements If your flowers are already arranged in

a container with floral foam, check the water level after

you receive them. Top up the container with warm water

if necessary.

Special Care

Roses Roses sometimes appear to suddenly have bent

necks. Rather than discarding them, you may be able to

revive them by recutting the stem under water. Then,

submerge the entire rose in warm water in a sink or bathtub.

After 30 to 60 minutes, the rose may have absorbed enough

water to revive itself. Rose buds that are tightly closed and

severely wilted at the neck may not recover.

Daffodils and Narcissi Bulb flowers generally don't like

warm water. Split or remove the white stem end. Then, rinse

the stem end to remove the sap. Keep in cool water and

separate from other flowers for 24 hours-the sap the stem

exudes tends to clog the stems of other cut flowers. After that,

you can display them with other flowers as long as the stem

end is not recut.

Tulips Using a needle, prick through the stem just under the

flower head to eliminate air bubbles. Even when arranged,

tulips grow towards the strongest light in the room. You may

need to turn them daily to maintain symmetry.

Lilies Remove the flower's anthers by pulling them off with a

tissue. The pollen will stain the lily's petals as well as your

skin and clothing.

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