Last Minute Holiday Decor Ideas! Image

Last Minute Holiday Decor Ideas!

By Lucas on Dec 20, 2013

By Penny Munoz

If you’re anything like me, you’ve recently found yourself staring, mouth agape at your calendar, wondering where December went. With the holidays just around the corner, you’re probably wondering where to start. I can’t help you with gift ideas for all 10 of your grandchildren, aunts, uncles, dogs and neighbours, or give you tips on how to cook the perfect roast… but here are a few cute, QUICK decoration ideas I found online that will help you whip that home of yours into the festive spirit in no time!

1)      Ribbons!


Though I recommend long, red, satin ribbons, for a sleek and elegant look, pretty much any colour will do. Some of the most creative uses I’ve found include wrapping the ribbons around pillows, kitchen cabinets and chairs so that they look like gifts! If you’ve already gotten your Christmas shopping done, you should be an expert at wrapping by now, so this should only take you a few minutes!

2)      Jars!


Jars, bowls, vases… These are fantastic for decorating in any season, but for a Christmas spin, you can use holly and cranberries in water with floating candles (my personal favourite). Another interesting idea is to fill larger glass bowls with leftover Christmas balls and lights that didn’t quite make it on the tree this year.

3)      “Scandinavian Christmas”


If you have kids, put them to work ASAP! If not, grab the neighbour’s kids (they’ll appreciate it!). I found this one off Pinterest and just couldn’t resist its coquettish charm! All you really have to do is cut and paste a few pieces together… Right? Well, just make sure you supervise those little elves of yours and send some pictures!

4)      Pinecones!


Luckily for me, I was able to collect a bunch of these funny looking, seed bearing fruit at the park! Now all I have to do is spray paint them red, green, gold and silver and place them in a bowl as my centerpiece.

5)      Last, but certainly not least, Reindeer footprints!!!


I absolutely love this one! Being that I don’t have any of my own children, I’ll be using my own feet (you can too!). But if you have kids, it definitely makes this crafty idea a lot cuter and more sentimental. All you’ll need is a canvas, some paint (alternatively you could dip the feet in glue and sprinkle the print with sparkles!) and a marker for the details. Your party guests will love it! Just be sure to use skin-friendly adhesives and non-toxic paints!

Don’t forget to share pictures of your beautifully decorated homes on our Facebook page, we’d love to see what you came up with last minute. Happy holidays to all!

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