Skyscraper Candles for the Tower-Hater in Your Life Image

Skyscraper Candles for the Tower-Hater in Your Life

By Lucas on Jan 10, 2014


We love tall buildings, some people don’t, and some people REALLY don’t. One of those people is JingJing Naihan Li, a designer from Beijing.

Over the years, Naihan has watched Beijing transform before her eyes, and she’s just not that into it, so she designed a series of skyscraper candles so she could symbolically burn buildings down!

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The series is called FLAMMABLE and features iconic buildings from around the world, including the Empire State Building, Shanghai World Financial Tower, International Commerce Center, and many more. The CN Tower didn’t make the cut! The Berliner Fernsehturm kind of resembles the CN Tower, so you could always purchase that one if, for some reason, you also have the urge to watch your hometown tower melt.

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"I'm tired of modernity. I like watching these buildings burn and melt into artistic pieces. I light these for fun, I think I've burnt 20 sets just myself," Naihan told Bundshop, the website where the candles are for sale. You can pick up your very own tower to burn for about $39 and up. This may seem like a hefty price for a candle, but keep in mind that they’re all over 1 foot tall and quite detailed.

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The big question is, is this offensive? We don’t think so. It’s just the work of an artist expressing her feelings about the way the world is approaching urban intensification. On the other hand, there is a World Trade Center candle available, which seems somewhat insensitive.

What do you think? Will you be burning the down the Empire State Building in your living room any time soon?

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